Preference over European Gold Coins

gold eagle

There are many types of precious metals for sale on the market today. However, an obvious buy over the years seems to be European gold coins. There is quite a substantial range available for your acquisition consideration if you want to join the crowd. European gold coins are favored by many gold investors today for many reasons. Personal Collection Many financial assets involve the use of a Social Security number (SSN) for their purchases. But with European gold coins, there is no such requirement. Hence, anyone can buy or sell European gold coins. It is a very personal decision and … [Read more...]

The Steady Value of Gold against Other Commodities

gold performance

When compared to other trading commodities, gold has shown a steady increase in value even when other commodities in the market seem to be losing value. Gold coins are the commodity which interests most investors with the sales of and demand for these coins hitting an all-time high compared to the previous years’ performance. In the month of May of this year alone, the US mint has managed to sell 85,000 ounces of the famous American Eagle gold coins. Although such sales decrease the spot price of this precious metal asset, huge increases in price are always expected the following year. In … [Read more...]

Demand for Gold

demand for gold

One of the main reasons for the intensive mining of gold is that it is a rare metal. As of today, this shiny yellow commodity exists only in a quantity of 165,000 metric tons. If all of it were put together, you would only get a pure 24K gold cube of 20 meters. Hence, the demand for buying gold rises globally. It is widely used in jewelry by many ethnic groups, with India and China taking the lead, with 60% of their gold used for jewelry. But other demands for gold are for investment, for central bank reserves and for technology. Each sector has different dynamics driving the demand for … [Read more...]

Historical Gold Prices

Gold Ingots

For several centuries gold has remained a trusted exchange medium although only the US dollar has reflected the kind of value this commodity has even in the modern world. Gold is considered the ultimate real money, hence eliminating the need to tell its value on a daily basis through pounds, dollars and other currencies. After World War II, most nations that were allied saw the need to reshape the financial system and the economy based on the aftermath. A conference was held in Bretton Woods in New Hampshire back in 1944 where gold price was set at $35 for each ounce of the commodity. For … [Read more...]