British Sovereign


The British Sovereign gold coins are most popular amongst numismatists. According to history, Britain started minting coins way back in the year 1489. That was by the king Henry VII who started with a gold coin of 20 Schilling face value. However, in the year 1603, king James I suspended the minting of gold coins but in 1817 king George III once again got the minting of gold coins started. Brief history: During this period Britain had minted many gold coins of various denominations or face values. These coins were being used for trade and commerce throughout Europe. One of the … [Read more...]

Highly Pure Australian Nugget Proof Gold


The Australian Nugget Proof Gold coins are the collector’s version of the Australian bullion gold coins officially struck at the Australian Perth Mint. The Australian government guarantees the content, purity and weight of gold in every of its minted Proof gold Nugget. Today, these gold Proof coins are not minted in as many sizes as the bullion gold coins. Australian Nugget Proof Gold Coin Design The reverse or back side of the Australian Nugget Proof Gold coin changes each year giving new expectations and excitement to the issuance. There is a set of designs that are rotated on the … [Read more...]

Sovereignty of the British Gold Coin

british sovereign gold

History of the British Sovereign The British Sovereign gold coin has its history going back to the 13th century when Henry VII issued the nation’s first 20-shilling gold in the year 1489. However, its minting was suspended when James I started his rule in1603. But when George III came on the throne in 1817, the British gold reigned sovereign again. During the 19th century, Benedetto Pistrucci was commissioned to redesign the British Sovereign to today’s classic St. George image on its obverse with a dragon image on its reverse. Since then, the British Sovereign gold coins were minted … [Read more...]

Preference over European Gold Coins

gold eagle

There are many types of precious metals for sale on the market today. However, an obvious buy over the years seems to be European gold coins. There is quite a substantial range available for your acquisition consideration if you want to join the crowd. European gold coins are favored by many gold investors today for many reasons. Personal Collection Many financial assets involve the use of a Social Security number (SSN) for their purchases. But with European gold coins, there is no such requirement. Hence, anyone can buy or sell European gold coins. It is a very personal decision and … [Read more...]

Reasons for Gold

$20 liberty gold coin

There are many reasons for investing in gold today. Safe haven Gold has proven to be an excellent safe haven during crises no matter how short or long the crisis’ duration was. Even if the next crisis cannot be predicted or foreseen, gold will still hold strong. But today, many “black swans” have surfaced in just the last two years, making the markets susceptible to the beck and call of such events. Hence, gold is appreciated as a short-term hedge against an unstable economy. As for a longer term effect, gold gains its owners confidence in view of increasing inflation; … [Read more...]

Gold Trading As A Means To Accumulating Wealth

gold wealth

As the financial markets exploded with every type of product available and took over the economic scene, the popularity of gold as a form of savings slowly faded. However, with the onset of the global economic crisis, and many of these wonder accounts and funds on tax payer funded life support, the popularity of owning gold is making a comeback. At present, the price of gold is increasing at a remarkably steady pace. Trading with gold has many benefits and one of those benefits is that gold is money in and of itself. It is not printed into being by a government or created by accounting at a … [Read more...]

A Guide To Selling Gold Coins

gold market

Gold has instant liquidity in many parts of the world. Gold is also a currency that is recognized worldwide and has been for thousands of years. An ounce of gold is used as a standard to value all of the currencies of the world against. No matter where you go you will be able to turn on the market news or do an internet search to find out what an ounce of gold is trading for that day in the local currency. Many dealers may wish to bid on your coins should you decide to liquidate, however it is suggested to develop a relationship with a trusted and established gold trading firm. Quite often … [Read more...]

A Guide To Acquiring Silver and Gold Numismatic Coins

gold silver coins

Collecting silver and gold numismatic coins has become more and more popular over the past few decades. Numismatic coins trade at higher values than just the weight of their metal. The rarity, condition, and age of the coin can factor into the market value as well. They are different from silver or gold bullion which are minted solely for metal value and have never been used as legal currency. Numismatic coins are collected as a form of a hobby and also to accumulate wealth, and because of this are afforded certain advantages in the tax codes. You should always consult your tax professional … [Read more...]

The Steady Value of Gold against Other Commodities

gold performance

When compared to other trading commodities, gold has shown a steady increase in value even when other commodities in the market seem to be losing value. Gold coins are the commodity which interests most investors with the sales of and demand for these coins hitting an all-time high compared to the previous years’ performance. In the month of May of this year alone, the US mint has managed to sell 85,000 ounces of the famous American Eagle gold coins. Although such sales decrease the spot price of this precious metal asset, huge increases in price are always expected the following year. In … [Read more...]

Historic Gold Pieces


Gold has been considered a commodity of great value since ancient times as it has been in use as a precious metal for centuries and has never gone to zero value. It has instead been accumulating greater value and has continued to be a means of trade for most countries on the international platform. This metal has proven to be of worth in all fields and its rarity and purity have made it a great material for representing ideas such as love, decoration and even power depending on how it is used. The appeal of gold took over most regions of the world in ancient times with the greatly impacted … [Read more...]